Chapter 178 - Skypiea 14.

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[Chapter Size: 1900 Words.]
Third Person POV

Skypiea, First Half of Grandline.



Luffy entered the ship's prison, the sounds of his footsteps echoing off the metallic walls, creating a somber atmosphere. The dim light from the lamps illuminated the path to the cell where Enel was detained. Approaching, Luffy observed Enel's figure, chained and visibly downcast, with his head low and eyes fixed on nothing, yet conscious.

Enel, still conscious, didn't bother to raise his gaze to face Luffy. His face showed signs of exhaustion and dejection, highlighted by lack of sleep and food. The atmosphere in the cell was laden with a mix of defeat and resignation, a contrasting sight from the first time Luffy met that user of the Goro Goro no Mi.

Luffy stopped in front of the bars, silently observing Enel for a moment. "Enel," Luffy called, but there was no response. The former God of Skypiea remained still, as if lost in his own thoughts and defeats.

Luffy sighed, realizing Enel's state of mind. "You haven't eaten anything since you were brought here, huh? I came here to talk to you, I've decided what I'm going to do with you." Luffy commented, but still, Enel remained silent, his expression unchanged.

Finally, Enel lifted his head, facing Luffy with a look mixing curiosity and disdain. For a moment, Luffy couldn't help but be a bit perplexed.

"Hm? I expected to find someone angry and full of hate for me, hurling insults at me, not someone... with a defeated expression..." Luffy commented, crossing his arms. He was still surprised by Enel's expression.

"What do you want, demon. Have you come to mock me?" Enel spoke for the first time, but his tone wasn't as arrogant as it used to be.

"Enel, listen carefully. I'm not here to mock your defeat." Luffy spoke dryly after recovering from the initial surprise.

Enel, with his empty and defeated gaze, met Luffy's eyes. "I've lost everything... My divinity, my power... What else is left for me now, what do you want??"

"You lost a fight, even I can't win them all, why are you so downcast?"

"I lost, I'm no longer a god! Are you happy now? I'm a fraud." Enel said, sounding like a boy losing his favorite toy.

"Hm?! So you take this thing even more seriously than I could imagine!" Luffy wanted to slap him at that moment. He expected someone arrogant, but Enel seemed just a shell of what he used to be, after losing a fight. Luffy put his fingers to his chin and thought about how to deal with a guy like this.

"You might have lost the fight, Enel, but that doesn't completely define you. Defeat is just a path to becoming stronger, we humans always learn from our mistakes and move forward improving, that's what makes us so special." Luffy said, adopting a thoughtful tone.

"I was a god, not a human..." Enel murmured.

"Whatever..." Luffy was holding himself back from punching this guy.

Enel, looking back down, replied, "To lose to a mere pirate who arrived on the same day... I am not worthy of being a god."

"You may have lost our fight, but do you still want to be a god, can you still be one?" Luffy asked casually, trying not to hit the guy.

Enel looked at him with some surprise. "I could? I'm no longer invincible." He grumbled.

"As I said, defeat is part of the path and the ladder. Enel, want your title of god back? Then defeat me in a fight, join me on my journey to the top of the world, and beat me by then, you will be considered a god again. To be a god, you have to be at the top of this world, and if you don't defeat my future self, you will never be the strongest in the world," Luffy spoke calmly, imagining he would be among the most powerful forces in the world.

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