Chapter 56 - The Power that Can Destroy the World

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[Chapter Size: 3132 Words.]
Third Person POV
Cocoyasi Island, East Blue.



Somewhere in the sea, East Blue.
"Captain, we've lost contact with the base..." a sailor reported beside Nezumi.
"Don't bother me with that now. I'm in the middle of a deal, and I don't want to be interrupted by a technical communication issue," Captain Nezumi growled at the sailor, who shrank back to his position after the scolding.
"Shahahaha! You humans are so impatient," a man with blue skin and a shark-like appearance laughed, observing the group of inferior humans before him.
"Sorry about that, Lord Arlong. Where were we? Ah, about a large amount of gold buried somewhere on this island!" The captain became quite excited about it.
"That's right. I want you to retrieve that gold in the name of the Navy. Since I made a deal with the owner of that gold, I can't lay my hands on that money directly, so I'm counting on you for that!" Arlong said, as all the fish-men surrounding him displayed malicious smiles at these words.
"Nami won't be able to do anything in the end!" one of the fish-men mocked.
"I almost feel sorry for her, despite being an inferior human!"
"I'd love to see the girl's expression when she realizes her gold has been taken."
"Shahahahaha! So Nezumi, can you handle this?" Arlong asked with a big smile.
"YES! Lord Arlong, I'll do it, considering my 30% share of the loot," he said maliciously.
It didn't take long for the men to set sail with the Navy ship to the other side of the island. Meanwhile, out at sea, the Black Pearl was sailing at high speed, being pursued by a Navy ship with a steel cable trailing behind.

"We won't be far with this speed..." Nami said, but Luffy could sense the anxiety in her voice.
"Worried? We'll settle this soon, don't worry," Luffy said, trying to reassure her.
"Yeah, you're right, Luffy. I'll handle this!" she said. Luffy had warned that this would be her fight, and no one should interfere.

"Hm? Luffy, something big is coming from the depths of the sea!" Yamato suddenly exclaimed, sensing the movement beneath the ship using Observation Haki.
"A Sea King?" Usopp asked, alarmed.
"Yeah... looks like it," Luffy said calmly, knowing whom Nami was thinking of and why she was concerned.
Before long, water splashed ahead of the ship, revealing a giant sea cow with fierce eyes.

"I'll go!" Nami declared with newfound determination, seeing Arlong's pet appearing. She wanted to prove her strength by defeating this creature.
"Wait, someone else is going to handle this, Nami," Luffy said, holding Nami's shoulder before she could take off to confront the sea monster.
"I'm counting on you!" Luffy said confidently towards their rear.
"Yes!" A young voice was heard, and everyone was surprised when Shirahoshi flew directly towards the sea cow.
Momoo spotted prey on the surface when he saw their shadows above him. He had been wanting to eat human flesh, so he was surprised when human boats appeared here.
As Momoo emerged from the water, he saw two human ships. On the second ship behind, humans seemed to panic, but on the first one, they conversed calmly, even though he displayed his majestic size; there was no fear in most of them.

Suddenly, he saw something he didn't expect to find here—a mermaid, something he hadn't seen since he left the Fish-Man Island with Arlong and the others. He expressed surprise when the mermaid opened her arms protectively, preventing him from approaching the ship.

Meanwhile, Shirahoshi looked at the small sea king with determination, despite some fear. She wanted to prove herself after having a conversation with Luffy a few hours ago.

*Start of Flashback*

"Shirahoshi..." Luffy's voice echoed from behind, interrupting the mermaid's thoughts. Megalo, by her side, shared a worried expression.

"Luffy... Sama..." she replied, a tone of discouragement in her voice.

"It seems seeing the people from that ship at the base in that state affected you deeply, didn't it?" Luffy spoke calmly, as if trying to understand the whirlwind of emotions that plagued the mermaid's mind.

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