Chapter 94 - Loguetown 2.

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[Chapter Size: 2589 Words.]
Third Person POV
Loguetown, East Blue.
After a lively conversation with Raoul and a few sips at the old bar, Luffy decided to leave a few minutes later.
"What a cool place! Now I want to see the square! Let's go," declared Luffy as he left the bar. Meanwhile, people's reactions continued to be quite peculiar as they saw them walking through the streets of Loguetown.
"Look, a mermaid!"
"A woman with horns, incredibly beautiful!"
"That man with the hat! It's him!"
"They are the Straw Hats!"
"He killed the king of Goa!"
"He's the worst pirate in this sea!"
"Pirates are walking peacefully through the city."
"Where is Captain Smoker?"
"Haven't you seen the newspaper? This pirate arrested Smoker and took a picture with him tied up."
"Can't anyone stop this pirate?"
"What if he starts looting the city?"
"We can't do anything; I heard he brought an entire kingdom to its knees!"
Luffy advanced with his group through the city, while people didn't stop making obvious comments about him.
It didn't take long for them to reach the imposing square of Loguetown, where the platform where Gold D. Roger was executed stood out.
Loguetown Square was spacious and majestic, with a well-kept stone pavement and benches arranged in a circle around the central platform. In the center, Gold D. Roger's execution platform was an imposing structure, rising above the ground and boasting a striking presence. It was surrounded by golden chains that added a touch of symbolism to the location.
Around the square, there were various buildings and shops, some of which dated back to Roger's era. Statues and monuments honored the city's rich history, while cobblestone streets provided a picturesque and historical atmosphere.
The square was often visited by tourists and local citizens, but the arrival of some of the Straw Hats certainly added an extra dose of excitement to the environment. People gathered, looking at the famous captain, taking some pictures, and murmuring to each other as the pirates explored the iconic location. The atmosphere was charged with excitement and curiosity.
"Look, this is where the Pirate King met his end," said Luffy, opening a smile.
"It's so grand!"
"This happened right here?"
"Let's go to the spot!"
They moved forward to get a better look at the location.
As they explored the bustling streets of Loguetown, Nami and Nojiko strolled through the historic city, absorbing the peculiar and history-filled atmosphere while shopping for dresses and other clothes. The late afternoon sun cast a golden light on the ancient buildings and busy squares.
As they walked, the sisters enjoyed their time together, reminiscing about old memories and sharing laughter. The aroma of street food filled the air, mixing with the sounds of passing people and the distant music of a street performer.
Suddenly, the cheerful atmosphere was shattered by Buggy's shrill cry echoing through the streets. Nami and Nojiko turned to see the eccentric pirate captain standing in the middle of the street.
"Buggy?!" Nami exclaimed with disgust, while Nojiko looked curiously beside her.
"I knew I'd find the Straw Hats here! Hahahaha. I almost went to Impeldown because of your captain, now I'll get revenge on your crew!" He shouted and laughed.
"That's right, Captain Buggy!" The crowd behind Buggy shouted in a synchronized chorus.
The big-nosed clown, recognizing Nami, began to make threats and vengeful proclamations. The crowd around him, like an enthusiastic chorus, echoed his words.
"Do you know this clown, Nami?" Nojiko asked, tilting her head.
"Are you mocking my nose?!" Buggy growled at Nojiko.
"He tried to kill me once, and almost succeeded if it weren't for Luffy," explained Nami, keeping her hand raised to prevent any approach from Buggy. "I'm not the same anymore and am enjoying some time with my sister. So get lost!"
Faced with Nami's firm response, she summoned her powerful attack, "Garuda: Hurricane," a demonstration of the strength she had gained since the tumultuous days with Buggy. The strong wind swept through the street, keeping any imminent threat at bay.
The crowd, initially enthusiastic about Buggy, now watched in surprise as Nami and Nojiko continued their stroll through the city, leaving the indignant and perplexed clown behind.
Nami, with a determined expression and her hand extended toward Buggy and his crew, channeling a mysterious energy in front of her. The atmosphere around them seemed to vibrate with power as an invisible force began to concentrate.

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