Chapter 17 - Orange Town 2.

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[Chapter Size: 1249 Words]

Third Person POV

Orange Town, East Blue.



Buggy crashed directly into one of the houses, but his impact force was just enough to crack the structure.

Buggy's headless body fell to the ground, and his head, still in the air, displayed all the agony of the impact.

"Damn..." was the only muttered word he managed to utter through the pain, unable to breathe as he felt his bones breaking upon impact.

"Come on, I expected more from you..." Luffy taunted, while Buggy still remained in the air with blank eyes.

Meanwhile, Cabaji and Mohji, with their lion, approached Yamato, unaware of how the battle between Buggy and Luffy was going.

"Huh? So, you guys are my opponents?" Yamato asked calmly.

Neither of the two pirates responded as they advanced. Cabaji was rapidly approaching her on a unicycle, wielding a katana, while Mohji was even faster, riding Richie.

Yamato felt no threat from them. She simply leaned to the side, waiting for the lion to jump at her.


The lion leaped with murderous intent towards Yamato.

Using her kanabo, she struck the lion while it was suspended in the air. Spectators could hear bones breaking, and the lion made a whimpering sound, never having a chance.



The lion flew like a bullet with Mohji still mounted on top, heading directly for one of the other houses in the town.


The explosion left all the pirates dressed as clowns wide-eyed, watching one of their main members, along with that lion-monster, easily defeated by this strange girl with red and yellow horns.

Cabaji stopped his advance at that moment, sweating profusely as he was too nervous to continue after witnessing that scene. He began to pedal backward, torn by indecision about whether he could face this incredibly powerful girl.

"Where do you think you're going?" He heard a voice behind him. She had been right in front of him just a moment ago, and he hadn't even seen her move, all while wearing an innocent smile.

"Cabaji-San!" The pirates were horrified to see yet another one of their strongest members cornered.


Another house was destroyed as Yamato sent him flying alongside his partner.

"How boring, they're all so weak!" Yamato muttered, making everyone who heard it wonder where this monstrous girl had come from.

Seeing that the fight was over and that the other pirates didn't seem willing to continue, Yamato turned her body toward where Luffy was battling Buggy.

By this time, the sounds of the ship's cannons had already ceased. Most likely, their crew had reached the island and was closing in on this camp.

"And..." Buggy was still making groaning sounds, his head reattaching to his broken body in the wreckage. Luffy let him do that calmly.

He quickly shook himself, spat out some saliva, and looked indignantly at the man in the hat.

"YOU BASTARD, THAT WAS A LOW BLOW!" Buggy shouted with a thin voice.

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