Chapter 138 - Alabasta 07.

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[Chapter Size: 1800 Words.]
Third Person POV

Alabasta, First Half of Grandline.



Robin quickened her pace, a mix of anticipation and urgency in her movement as she navigated through the ancient corridors. Following the origin of Luffy's voice and the trail of purple flames he left behind, she quickly found him at the end of the hallway in front of two ancient stones.

Her heart raced with the possibility of a new discovery about the history of the lost century.

She arrived at the spot where Luffy stood. The captain was standing, his imposing figure before the two Poneglyphs. They were massive stone blocks, covered with the intricate glyphs of the ancient language. The sight of new Poneglyphs made Robin's heart race even more.

"Two poneglyphs...." She murmured, still in disbelief, having found 4 of these stones in the last few weeks as opposed to nearly 2 decades of pursuit and no results.

Luffy turned to hear her approach, a broad and confident smile on his face. "Can you read them?"

Robin stepped closer, touching the cold surface of the stones with trembling fingers, feeling the deep connection to history that only an archaeologist like her could understand.

"Robin, what is this?" Luffy asked amid the silence as the rest of the crew approached.

"It's an ancient story, Luffy, about a very powerful queen of Alabasta during the lost century," Robin began, her calm and gentle voice filling the air around them. "Her name was Nefertari D. Lili."

"Lily... I've heard of her..." Luffy spoke a bit thoughtfully as he rummaged through his memories, he didn't remember this part of the story very well but recognized the name Lily.

"But something intriguing there, Nefertari is also a D." Luffy pointed out.

"It seems so..." Robin commented.

"So Nefertari Vivi isn't our second princess's full name..." Luffy smiled, a bit surprised that Vivi was a D. too.

Luffy approached Robin and asked about the scriptures. "So, what does it say about Queen Lili here?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine interest.

Robin began to translate, her voice slightly echoing off the stone walls around them. "Nefertari D. Lily was a ruler of Alabasta during the lost century, she was known for her wisdom and strength. During the lost century, a time of great conflicts and secrets, she faced challenges that threatened not just her kingdom but all the knowledge of the world."

"So there aren't many details, are there?" Luffy asked, already imagining that these blocks just said generic things. Luffy was intrigued to know how someone with D. allied with the World Government at the time, since the Nefertaris were one of the few that remained in their kingdoms, unlike the other world nobles according to his memories.

She looked at Luffy before continuing, "The story tells that, in response to the oppressive forces of that time, Queen Lily made a journey to a distant and unexplored place. There, she founded a refuge, an island known today as Amazon Lily."

Luffy, a bit surprised by this, murmured: "The island of women? Well, the place bears her name..."

"Yes," confirmed Robin with a nod. "She created a sanctuary for women from all parts, a place where they could live freely, train their skills, and keep the flame of resistance of that time alive, even though it doesn't say much against what she was fighting. Amazon Lily was not just a refuge; it was a symbol of defiance and hope for Lili."

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