Chapter 152 - Alabasta 21.

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[Chapter Size: 2100 Words.]
Third Person POV

Alabasta, First Half of Grandline.



After a titanic battle that shook the foundations of the Alabasta desert, the conflict between the two giants finally calmed down. The sand, previously raised in huge clouds by the fury of the combatants, now began to settle, revealing the scenery devastated by the fight. The ground was marked by deep craters, and the air still vibrated with the echo of the powerful impacts. The rebels, who had arrived with hearts full of determination and anger, now found themselves paralyzed, watching aghast at the consequences of the clash between beings of unimaginable power.

The flame giant had managed to subdue the other titan, the shock, admiration, and fear dominating the faces of the rebels as they witnessed the end of the confrontation with the two monsters disappearing. This left them cautious, as the scene of the giants fighting each other gave way to just the wind of the desert with some flames still burning in the place with several holes.

The rebels, who witnessed a power that defied reality, began to question their own position in this increasingly mysterious and fragile world. The fight had ended, but the disappearance of the giants did not calm them down, because this gave way to more doubts than what they had witnessed in this place.

"What was that? It looked like the end of the world!" One of them broke the silence, scared, rubbing his eyes trying to understand what he had just witnessed.

"I've never seen anything like it... They were giants, monsters!" Another rebel, with a pale face of fear, looks at the place where the battle occurred.

"This changes everything. How are we going to continue our attack on the capital after this?" A third rebel, worried, questions his companions, looking for answers.

"I don't think they are enemies... It looked like one was trying to stop the other." Another comments, being an observer, tries to make sense of the situation.

"But what if they come back? What if they decide to attack the cities? Can anyone stop them?" A young man, fearful, looks around to see if the others share his concern.

"We can't continue with the plan now. We need to go back and rethink our strategy." The Leader of the Rebels, with a serious and determined expression, signals to the group.

"You're right. We don't know what they are or what they want. It's better to retreat for now." A commander of the forces, agreeing with the leader, begins to move away.

Together, the rebels begin to retreat slowly, occasionally looking back at the site of the fight hoping that another giant would appear again. Many are confused, some still fearful, but all are reevaluating their position and their plans.

Luffy approaches the rebels at high speed without them noticing, and before they can react, he falls like a rocket in front of the rebel leader, who is startled trying to calm his also scared horse.


"What is this?! An enemy attack?" Someone shouts.

"Yo!" A shadow appears from the raised sand, and Luffy appears with his hat on his head.

"Hm?! Who are you?!" The leader of the rebels shouts a little alarmed.

"So you're Koza? Vivi's childhood friend?" Luffy approaches nonchalantly.

"Who are you?!" He asks again, pointing his gun at Luffy.

"Such a bad mood... Well anyway, I'm stopping your attack." Luffy speaks calmly; he's not afraid of a bullet, none of that has an effect on him.

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