Chapter 145 - Alabasta 14.

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[Chapter Size: 2400 Words.]
Third Person POV

Alabasta, First Half of Grandline.



On the battlefield, now silent after the dissipation of the firestorm, Luffy, in his impressive phase 2 form, faces off against Crocodile and Momonga. The two adversaries cautiously observe, their expressions mixing surprise and recalculated caution in the face of the young pirate's transformation. The air carries a palpable tension, a prelude to the continuation of the confrontation.

Luffy, taking a deep breath, breaks the silence. "I really wanted to beat you without resorting to this transformation," he begins, his voice carrying a note of disappointment and frankness. "But I have to admit, I'm having trouble dealing with both of you at the same time." His confession is sincere, revealing not just his ambition, but also a pleasure for a fight where he would break his own limits.

Crocodile and Momonga, hearing Luffy's words, cannot hide their surprise. Crocodile, with his usual confident and arrogant demeanor, now shows a glimpse of uncertainty. The idea that Luffy was holding back and yet, he attempts to remain calm as he was still a Logia user and Luffy didn't seem to get around that until now.

Momonga, on the other hand, maintains his serious and unwavering expression, even still feeling his burned arm he stood firm, but now his eyes betray a reluctant acknowledgment of Luffy's newfound strength.

"You may be strong, Straw Hat, but justice will still prevail!" Momonga responds, his voice firm.

"Please, don't come to me with that kind of thing, who will prevail will always be the strongest, not who believes most in their ideology..." Luffy had to mock, in this world, no matter how just you are, if you are not strong enough, you will be eaten by a bigger fish.

"Do not mock justice!" Momonga raised his voice a bit furiously.

'What a justice-sensitive guy...' This made Luffy raise an eyebrow and question if they do some kind of navy brainwashing and hoping that his sister doesn't become that kind of soldier who doesn't even follow logic anymore.

"Well, let's continue then..." Luffy comments, and while Momonga was furious, Crocodile growled at Luffy.

In his transformed phase 2 form, Luffy firmly holds the Benehime sword, the blade emanating an energy from his flames even more powerful. In his purple-toned body, the amethyst flames surrounding him dance furiously.

Taking a deep breath, he concentrates his energy, the aura of purple fire around his body increasing in size and intensity. Luffy then advances, his speed enhanced by his transformation making him appear more a blur than a human. He delivers a powerful strike with the sword, a combination of physical strength and energy from the chaos flames.

Crocodile and Momonga, now facing the pressure of Luffy's amplified form, prepare for the attack. Crocodile, with his sand ability, tries to create a barrier to protect himself and dissipate the force of the blow. At the same time, he attempts to counter-attack, launching a whirlwind of sharp sand towards Luffy, hoping to cut the fight in his favor.

Momonga, with his posture of an experienced swordsman, anticipates Luffy's movement and positions himself defensively, strengthening himself with his Haki. He knows that a direct block against an attack of such magnitude would be imprudent. Therefore, he opts for a more strategic approach, trying to deflect the blow while at the same time looking for an opening to counter-attack the pirate's defenses.

When Luffy's attack hits, the impact is so powerful that it resonates through the battlefield, a wave of energy that shakes the very air. Crocodile and Momonga feel the full force of that blow, each struggling to maintain their position and defense under the overwhelming pressure. The ground beneath them cracks and crumbles, and the air fills with the sound of their fierce struggle.

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