Chapter 151 - Alabasta 20.

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[Chapter Size: 2000 Words.]
Third Person POV

Alabasta, First Half of Grandline.



As Luffy, in his Ifrit form, observes Titan Hugo in front of him, he can't help but notice the imposingness of the earth giant. Even in his Ifrit form, Luffy finds himself looking up, acknowledging the monumental scale of his opponent who was twice his size.

"Wow, Hugo, you're really tall like this, huh? But I can do better than this." Luffy would smile if it were possible at that moment, he wanted to test his combined fruits, and now with better control over Ifrit, he could test many of his powers, when he used his strength 40 times in his last punch, he himself was stunned with the power gain.

Now with a determined smile and a gleam of challenge in his flaming eyes, Luffy decides to take the battle to the next level. He activates the Moa Moa no Mi ability in an aspect he almost never used.

"Moa Moa no Mi: Mass, apply 4 times!" He used it on himself, the only time he did that was to sleep with Yamato, now he was testing it in a real battle.

Intending to use 10% of the fruit's growth on living beings, the flames around Luffy begin to stir more fiercely, and his body starts to grow exponentially. In a few moments, he reaches an impressive height of 200 meters, quadrupling his previous size. Now, as a true giant of flames, Luffy faces Hugo as a dwarf looking down, his presence on the battlefield more formidable than ever.

"This is what I'm talking about! Let's see how you handle this, Hugo!"

As Luffy increases his own stature to surpass that of Titan Hugo, becoming a 200-meter flame giant, the rebels who were previously advancing determinedly towards the capital now find themselves paralyzed by shock and disbelief since the arrival of the first giant. The sight of two beings of titanic size and power ready to face each other is enough to make even the bravest heart tremble with fear and want to flee from there.

"This... this is impossible! They're like monsters from some ancient legend!"

"We need to get out of here! We can't stay near this fight; it will be our death!"

"Forget the coup, I want to live first! Let's go!"

The horses, sensing the fear and tension of their riders, start to neigh and agitate, desperate to flee the scene now. The sound of hooves beating against the desert ground becomes a frenzy as the rebels try to move away from the area while bumping into each other as they leave the site where the two colossi are about to face off.

"Fall back! Everyone, fall back now! We are nothing before this battle!"

"Our weapons, our swords... none of that matters now. This is power that defies the very gods!"

"What kind of things are these? Why did they appear here and now?!"

As the rebels move away, some still cast fascinated and terrified glances back, unable to completely turn away from the scene. They whisper among themselves, questioning whether their fight for freedom has led them to a confrontation with forces beyond their understanding.

While in the fight between the two giants, the flames of Ifrit began to dance fiercely on his skin.

"Time to end this, Hugo. I don't want to hurt you too much, but I need you to come out of this wild state." Luffy murmured, despite his mouth not moving, his voice was heard.

*Crack!* The Titan seemed to have accepted the challenge as he positioned himself, breaking the sandy ground with his foot.

Luffy's flames intensify as he advances, gliding through the sand as if skating with his flames. Ifrit moves with an impressive speed for his scale, every tens of meters he passed, made the earth burn and tremble. Even in colossal form, Luffy's agility and dexterity are evident, a sign of how his control over the Ifrit form and his skills as a fighter were getting better and better.

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