Chapter 134 - Alabasta 03.

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[Chapter Size: 2100 Words.]
Third Person POV

Alabasta, First Half of Grandline.



Luffy, Ace, and Laboon were moving swiftly through the streets of Alabasta, with palpable energy and urgency. The sun beat down hard on the cobblestone streets, creating a mosaic of light and shadow as they dodged the crowd.

"Hey, Luffy!" Ace exclaimed, trying to keep up with his younger brother's fast pace.

"Come on, Ace! Come with me," Luffy replied, his voice full of determination. He led the way, with Ace and Laboon close behind.

"And that sailor?" Ace asked, looking over his shoulder to check if Smoker was still following them.

"I'll handle him. Let's go," Luffy said, a tone of confidence in his voice.

They deftly dodged through the crowd, turning into a narrow and shadowy alley of the city. Smoker, transformed into smoke, followed them closely, floating in the air. As soon as they found a more isolated place, Luffy stopped running, turning to face his pursuer.

Smoker descended, wrapped in his smoke powers, his face a mix of determination and frustration. "You're under arrest, Monkey D. Luffy and Portgas D. Ace!" he declared, surrounding himself with an aura of authority.

But before Smoker could react, or even Ace formulate a response, Luffy used Soru, a technique that allowed him to move at incredible speed. In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Smoker, his fist ready to strike. Luffy's blow was almost entirely avoided by Smoker's logia nature, but a small bright point of Haki made contact, sending Smoker flying backward with increased force, crashing him against a wall.

"WHAT!?" Smoker exclaimed, surprised and dazed by the unexpected impact.

"Luffy, you knocked down a logia? You learned Haki?" Ace asked, his eyes wide in shock and admiration.

Luffy, breathing heavily after the attack, looked at Ace and replied: "I'm learning, I still have a long way to master the technique."

"Damn..." Smoker stood up with a black eye from Luffy's punch.

"Sorry Smoker, but our fight ends here!" Luffy appeared in front of him, but Smoker managed to dodge by flying with his body in smoke.

"You are good at running away, but not good enough!" Luffy's voice was heard again and he appeared beside Smoker delivering another punch to the man.

Now the Navy man had nothing to do but fall knocked out.

"I think we're done here, let's go Ace!" Luffy said leaving the Alley with Ace following him with a strange face and Laboon behind.

"Luffy you always behaved so carelessly." Ace murmured passing by the fainted Navy man.

Luffy, Ace, and Laboon continued their way through the streets of Alabasta, leaving behind the scene of the confrontation with Smoker. The sun still shone strongly over the city, creating contrasts of light and shadow that danced through the alleys and avenues.

Luffy guided Ace and Laboon through backstreets and less crowded alleys, moving away from the hustle and bustle of the main city. Ace's expression reflected a mix of surprise and admiration, still absorbing the recent events and his brother's prowess.

"Hey, don't be so surprised, let's talk somewhere," Luffy said with a calm smile, indicating he knew exactly where they were going.

Ace, driven by curiosity and eagerness to know more, followed Luffy. "Alright, I have to ask about Yamato. How did you manage to get her out of Wano?" Ace's question was laden with admiration and interest.

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