Chapter 84 - The Goa Kingdom 7.

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[Chapter Size: 2119 Words.]
Third Person POV
Goa Kingdom, East Blue.
A silence hung over the Foosha square as Luffy, now transformed and imposing, faced the old mayor, Makino, and other villagers. His gaze, once innocent and full of youthful energy, now exhibited a determination and fierceness that didn't go unnoticed.

The villagers, in turn, looked at the man before them, processing the transformation Luffy had undergone since the last time they saw him. Surprise and shock painted the faces of those who knew the young and cheerful boy from Foosha. The square, once bustling with conversations about pirates and attacks on Goa, was now shrouded in a heavy silence, interrupted only by the subtle sound of waves breaking nearby.

Luffy kept his gaze fixed on the familiar faces of the village, awaiting their reaction to the man who had returned after so many changes. The silence persisted, as if each member of that community was processing Luffy's metamorphosis and the implications of this new reality.

Despite the initial surprise at Luffy's impressive transformation, the villagers didn't see that change as abnormal or strange. Understanding Luffy's peculiarity since his return to this world, where his physical features and appearance were different, they comprehended that the young man had manifested this specific desire.

Despite the radical transformation and the initially peculiar look that Luffy sported, the village people recognized the essence of Monkey D. Luffy, the boy who was born and raised among them. Even in the face of evident changes, familiarity persisted, and they saw beyond appearances, understanding that, deep down, that robust man was still the same Luffy they knew and loved.

Makino was the first to react to Luffy's presence in the village, taken aback by the remarkable transformation of the boy. She stared at him for a moment, wide-eyed, before breaking the silence with a mix of surprise and joy:

"B-But what... Luffy?! Is that really you, Luffy?!" Makino exclaimed, unable to contain the perplexity in her voice, as she moved away from the crowd to find the boy who left a few weeks ago in pursuit of his dreams at sea.

Luffy smiled, and despite his imposing appearance, his expression was the same as always with those he cared about. He could feel all that affection and his own relationships with these people. He waved to Makino, confirming:

"Of course, it's me, Makino! I've changed a bit!" He said with a smile.

"A bit?! You're almost unrecognizable!" Woop Slap exclaimed, raising his cane.

Luffy approached Makino with a warm hug, momentarily ignoring Woop Slap's incredulity. Makino, still processing the change in Luffy, responded to the hug with tears of joy in her eyes.

"I missed you so much, Luffy! What happened? Where have you been all this time?" Makino asked, pulling back a bit to get a better look at the young man's face.

"Ah, Makino, the journey was amazing, you know? I had some rough times, met fantastic people. And look, now I'm married!" Luffy exclaimed, pointing to Yamato by his side. She just cast a calm glance; she didn't make much fuss, after all, she enjoyed Luffy's company and the incredible nights he provided. She ended up accepting the title of wife, especially when she began to feel that strange thing in her heart for the captain, even though sometimes she called him "my Toki."

Makino, initially surprised by Luffy's revelation about his marriage, ignored Luffy's revelation and the mission to find a new monarch for Goa. She looked at Yamato with a friendly smile.

"You got married? That's amazing, Luffy! Is it really true that you're attacking the kingdom?"

Luffy scratched his head, trying to explain in a simple way. "Ah, it's a long story. I came here to change things and find someone to be the new king or queen. But before that, I want to see how everyone here is doing!"

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