Chapter 95 - Loguetown 3.

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[Chapter Size: 2718 Words.]
Third Person POV
Loguetown, East Blue.
Alvida's eyes scanned Luffy as he proclaimed his ambitions to the entire city. He was different from before, no longer wearing simple, tight-fitting clothes that seemed too small for him. Now, he was imposing, his aura even more befitting of the man he had become. Dressed in black with his front exposed, a pistol at his waist, his entire appearance screamed power and audacity. A mix of emotions bubbled within her—a combination of admiration, respect, and gratitude. The man before her was not just the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates; he was someone who had radically changed her life, giving her a new perspective and self-confidence.

Watching him, Alvida remembered the time when she was considered ugly and overweight. Before the mysterious transformation of the Sube Sube no Mi, she would always make her crew say she was the most beautiful, but it was an excuse to deflect her lack of self-confidence. She knew they spoke out of fear, but this man spoke sincerely. Despite saying she was still ugly and fat on the outside, he exuded a confidence that she could be beautiful. In his unique sincerity, Luffy had accepted her as she was and saw the beauty that lay beneath the surface. He declared her his soulmate, a connection that transcended appearances and physical changes.

Now, in the presence of the man whose existence had inspired her to become who she was, Alvida felt her heart beat faster. He was not just an ally now; he was someone for whom she harbored deeper feelings. Hearing his bold words echoing in the square, Alvida decided to act on her own desires.

Thoughts swirled in her mind as she advanced, determined. The man before her was not just her captain now, but someone she desired in ways that would not have been imaginable in her old days. The change Luffy had brought to her life now urged her to make a decision, one that could alter the course of their destiny and relationship. Alvida's heart pounded as she approached, ready to express her feelings in an unexpected way.

The punch he called the "Love-Love Punch" had indeed worked wonders on her. Thanks to that, she had changed, becoming beautiful to be with her man. She had left her old crew and followed her new dream, standing by this man.

As Luffy approached, casually enjoying his biscuits, Alvida felt a mix of nervousness and excitement. Each of his steps seemed to bring a palpable change to the surrounding atmosphere. She didn't hesitate; she couldn't wait another second to express the whirlwind of emotions within her.

Without wasting time, Alvida ran towards Luffy with determination. Her feelings, once kept in her heart, exploded in a bold and fearless demonstration. With a decisive gesture, she aimed her lips at his, sealing a kiss that transcended words. The world around them seemed to freeze for a moment as that intense moment united two souls in a unique way.

Alvida's kiss was laden with meaning, an expression of years of gratitude, love, and mutual transformation. She knew that from this moment on, Luffy would become the most important person in her life. The initial embarrassment she felt dissipated in the certainty that this was the path she had chosen.

After the bold kiss, Alvida pulled away from Luffy, but the gaze between them remained intense, as if they had shared something deeper than words could express. Luffy savored his biscuits with his characteristic nonchalance, while Alvida was immersed in the realization of having found the man who had changed her life.

Alvida looked into Luffy's eyes with a shy but joyful smile. "I've finally found you, my love!" she said, revealing her emotions sincerely.

Luffy, in turn, laughed casually. "Hahahaha. You look stunning right now! And bold!" He appreciated the visible changes in her, recognizing the journey they had both undertaken.

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