Chapter 57 - Hugo

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[Chapter Size: 3595 Words.]

Third Person POV
Somewhere at sea, East Blue.



The waters, which had always been synonymous with serenity, now acted as a stage for a chaotic spectacle. The once calm and imposing ocean was in a state of unusual turmoil. The horizon, which used to be a tranquil line between the sky and the water, was now a turbulent sight of roiling waves.

The unrest was not only superficial; it was as if the very depths of the sea were in tumult. Giant waves rose and fell, defying the logic and tranquility expected from the vast blue expanse. The constant and deep roar of the ocean echoed like a distant lament.

Boats daring to sail in these turbulent waters rocked violently, struggling to maintain balance against the unknown forces now ruling the surface. Sea birds, once masters of the maritime skies, now circled uncertainly, disturbed by the intensity of the turmoil below.

Even non-kingly marine creatures, natural inhabitants of these depths, seemed confused and apprehensive. Schools of fish scattered in disarray, while more imposing creatures like whales and dolphins swam in erratic movements, trying to comprehend the sudden change in their kingdom, despite seeing giant shadows passing through the sea.

It was as if the very heart of the ocean was pulsing with an unknown energy, sending waves of disturbance throughout the expanse of the sea. In this tumultuous state, even distant islands, which had never before felt the agitation of the event, were touched by maritime unrest.

This was not just an ordinary chapter in the vast history of the ocean. It was a deep echo, a call that reverberated through the waters, leaving an indelible mark on the fabric of the marine world. The sea, normally a silent witness to the ages, now told a story of turmoil and mystery that challenged the understanding of those who ventured into its depths.

Somewhere in the vast turbulent sea of the East Blue, surprise painted Shirahoshi's face as her eyes were fixed on the turbulent horizon. Incredulous at what had just occurred before her, she questioned her own accomplishment.

"Hm? WHY IS THE SEA SO AGITATED?" The tumultuous change in the waters did not go unnoticed by the princess of the tritons. The moment she shouted in anger, closing her eyes in an emotional impulse, coincided with the sight of the retreating sea king, avoiding her as if its own existence were threatened.

Despite the sudden chaos unleashed in the ocean, Shirahoshi delved into deep thoughts about what she had just accomplished with the sea creature. A torrent of reflections flooded her mind.

"I could feel its fear; it obeyed my words, even though I am weak..." The princess's eyes watched the spot where the immense sea monster had retreated, leaving only the trail of roiling waves indicating its escape. The scene before her witnessed the magnitude of the newly discovered power residing within her.

She turned her face toward Luffy, ready to share the success, but her contentment was replaced by shock as she noticed half of the crew lying on the ground.

"Hm?! EVERYONE? MEGALO!! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!?" Her desperate cry echoed, and she ran towards her oldest friend.

"You did this, didn't you feel the shockwave release?" Zoro inquired, curiously watching the mermaid grab her friend while shaking him, trying to wake him up.

"Hahahahaha. He's fine, just passed out like the others... Now, we need to worry about the giant waves," Luffy laughed, trying to reassure Shirahoshi.

"Are they okay? Did I do this, with the others too?" She asked, still frightened.

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