Chapter One

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The funeral of her grandmother was a somber affair. The old, yet always lively women who died just hours ago was buried and could finally be at peace.

Y/n covered her face in her arms to hide the tears threatening to spill. Y/n sucked in a shuddering breath rocking her body back and forth - but it couldn't help. The sheer anxiety that she felt at the moment was unexplainable.

Rubbing at her nose with her handkerchief, she looked up at the sky and took a deep breath. "Let's go and say goodbye to Grandma for the last time," she said to herself.

Making her way through the crowd of people, she approached the headstone of Y/n's Grandmother. Letting out a deep breath, Y/n stepped out from beneath her umbrella. Crouching down beside the grave, she placed a bouquet of roses, which she was holding in front of the gravestone. Raising to her feet she turned and headed towards her grandmother's house to pack.

The next day

It was the day that I leave to go back to my home town, Avonlea. When I reached the ship named "The Del Marie," I saw many people begging for money or food.

"Do you have any change or leftovers miss?"

"I don't have food but here"

I gave them coins that I didn't need. I walked away up towards the cruise ship to find my room and rest for the day.

I was having trouble finding my room, until I realized it was right in front of me. I was frustrated and sat on the bed.

"Thank goodness I finally reached my destination."

I chuckled and started to get ready for bed, for I have a long couple of days ahead of me.

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