Chapter Seventeen

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It’s finally Monday again and the entire weekend you were grounded and talked to no one. This morning when you got up your mom told you to walk with Ruby and to not stay out late after school since you were still grounded.

The entire walk Ruby ignored you like you weren't even there, even when you tried speaking to her she ignored you, so after a while, you gave up and just kept walking in complete silence. 

When you got to the school house you took off your coat and hat and went to sit down.

You sat down in your seat next to Prissy.

“How was it?” she asks giggling, her eyes full of curiosity.

“It was fine,” you say with a sad expression on your face.

“What’s wrong” she asks.

“Ruby, she saw me and Gilbert holding hands and now she won’t speak to me.” you say looking at your desk.

“Oh, she needs to get over that stupid crush. It’s been four years and he doesn’t even like her back.” Prissy says glaring at Ruby who’s sitting a few seats behind you.

“I’m such a terrible sister,” you say clenching your jaw.

“No, you’re not,” Prissy says.

“Yes, I am! I stayed over at his place!” you whisper-yell.

“That doesn’t make you a bad friend and now tell me, did anything happen between you two?”

“Not really, I mean we hugged and held hands and stuff.”

“No kiss?” She asks smirking

“Not yet,” you say laughing, “I’m not sure if he even likes me that much.”

“Oh please! He’s staring at you right now!” 

“Shhh not that loud,” you say turning your head in Gilbert’s direction to see that he is indeed is staring at you.

He winks at you and then chuckles. You smile and turn back to Prissy with a slight blush on your cheeks.

“He just winked at me,” you whisper.

“He totally likes you,” Prissy replies.

“Whatever” you chuckle, “Class is starting we better pay attention,” you say while opening your book.

“I don't think Gilbert will be paying attention to class, since he’s so busy staring at you all the time.”

"Oh shut up Prissy" you laugh

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