Chapter Sixty-Seven

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You stared at the trees as you walked through the woods with your classmates.

“Which leads me to the purpose of this outing–” Mrs Stacy spoke but was cut off by someone screaming in pain.

You turned around, your eyes landing on Moody, who was on the ground clutching his leg and shrieking.

The side of his calf was slit open and blood started to pool out of it. You felt bile rise in the back of your throat at the sight–you hated blood, but Moody needed serious help.

You glanced next to you at Gilbert, he looked back at you with a worried look in his eyes. You bit your lip, and looked away from Gilbert, then rushed over to Moody.

Your heart hammered against your chest as you and Gilbert kneeled beside him. You pulled his sock down to expose the wound.

Ruby screamed when she saw the blood and passed out, secretly, you wanted to scream too. You got up from beside Gilbert and went over to check on Ruby.

“Is she going to be alright?” Diana asked.

You knelt beside your sister worried for her, you checked her pulse, then put the back of your hand on her forehead. “She’s just in shock,” you explained with relief in your voice, you read about it in a book once so you knew quite a lot about it.

You pulled out a jar of honey and gave it to Diana, “Give her some honey, that will bring her energy up.” you told her. 

You got back up and walked back over to Gilbert, “How deep is it?” you asked Gilbert.

“It’s deep, there’s nothing we can do here. He needs stitches.” Gilbert replied.

Gilbert pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to you, you took it, your hand briefly brushing Gilbert’s as you did.

Shivers went down your spine as you pressed the cloth to Moody’s cut, but you ignored it and focused on Moody–his blood soaked the cloth almost immediately.

“A little more pressure.” Gilbert pointed out and put his hand on top of yours.

Your cheeks turned a light shade of pink at his warm hand, you had to admit that it felt nice.

You remembered about your sister and quickly moved your hand away and stood up, “I’m going to check on Ruby.”

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