Chapter Thirty

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The fairhead was expecting Gilbert and him only. But instead of just Gilbert, there was a tall man beside him with dark skin, it was Bash.

You smiled widely at Bash, ignoring Gilbert.

“Merry Christmas to you both!” your Mother exclaimed.

“Come in!” Your Father piped up and the two of them stepped inside of the house.

“Y/n, Ruby, this is Sebastian.” Bash tipped his hat at Ruby. 

“Oh, we’ve already met,” you say and Bash agrees.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sebastian,” Ruby says while staring at Gilbert.

“Please, call me Bash.” The sister nodded.

“What a lovely home! Nice and warm.” Bash said while looking around.

“Let me take your coats.” Your Mother offered.

“Oh, uh, thank you.” Bash took off his scarf and coat and handed them to your Mother. 

But before your Mother could hang up his jacket, Bash stopped her.

“I almost forgot,” He dug into his jacket pocket and pulled out a glass bottle full of something.

“How very kind of you,” Your Mother said while she took the bottle.

“It’s curry.” He informed her.

“Curry?” you ask.

“Yes, it’s a blend of fantastic spices.”

“Wow, I can’t wait to cook with it!” You spoke up making Bash and Gilbert smile.

“Thank you, Bash” He nodded, then your Motehr spoke again. “Who would care for some supper?”

Both Gilbert and Bash agreed eagerly.

“Come along then,” She started to bring them to the table when she spun around, suddenly remembering something.

“Oh, Y/n could you blow out the candles on the tree?”

“Yes, ma’am.” You walked toward the tree and started to blow out the candles one by one. 

“Y/n.” You looked up from the tree and saw Gilbert standing a few feet away from her. You fought the urge to ignore him and look away.

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