Chapter Twenty Five

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You looked into your bag to see what was inside of it. Diana noticed and looked into the bag as well.

“Your milk is still in your bag? It must almost be sour by now. If you want I can come with you.” Diana asked with a kind look on her face.

“There’s no need. I’ll go there by myself.” And just like that you grabbed your basket and went outside, hearing the whispers start as soon as you stood up.

The outside air was cold but you didn’t seem to mind. You wanted to get out of there and away from Josie Pye.

You walked towards the stream which you passed on your way to the School House with Gilbert this morning. You grabbed the milk jar and placed it in the stream alongside the others.

You stared at the stream for a moment or two, not exactly knowing if you could go back inside. 

During your internal monologue, you gazed over at the boys. You immediately saw Gilbert reading a book.

Gilbert must have sensed someone watching him, so he turned around. As soon as he saw you, his face broke into a grin and started waving at you.

You smiled back and waved your hand back at him.

“Well if it isn’t the other Gillis herself.”

Your turned around to look at who was ca;;ing you and your face quickly turned to one of disgust. 

You stood up and was going to enter the schoolhouse to join the other girls but the boy blocked your way.

“Don’t know if you remember, the name’s Billy Andrews.” The boy said with an unsettling smile.

“I didn’t ask,” You replied and tried passing him, except Billy grabbed your arm to keep you there.

“Billy, leave her alone.” A boy called out but Billy didn’t let go.

“You should show some respect, Gillis.” You were getting angrier by the minute.

“Are you mental?! I said leave me alone!” You tore your arm out of his grip and walked past him and towards the school house. 

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