Chapter Twenty Seven

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You both looked at one another for a second more, but you pulled away out of Gilbert’s sight when Diana pulled you down. 

Your eyes open when you hit the ground hard. “Have you lost your mind? What was that for?” You complained while fixing your dress.

“I haven’t lost my mind thank you very much,” Diana defended herself. 

“You should never let a boy know that you like him!” Josie stated.

You chuckled, “First of all, I do not like him and second, why is it the end of the world if a boy knows that you like him?” you remarked, not knowing what the deal was with the girls.

“It just is,” Diana claimed.

“Plus, even if you did like Gilbert, you can’t have him, Ruby’s got dibs,” Josie explained while Ruby glared at you.

“Well then, it’s a good thing I don’t like him,” you smiled at Ruby. You then turned and gave a bitter look and stared at Josie as you took a bite of your apple.

After school, you don’t wait up for Gilbert to be embarrassed by your interaction during lunch and make your way home for dance class.

On your way home you see Ruby up ahead and you run to catch up to her.

“Ruby!” you yelled while getting closer.

She surprisingly stopped in her tracks to wait up for you. 

When you finally catch up to her you can see that she has a glare on her face and her arms crossed in front of her.

“What do you want Y/n?” she asks you in a rude voice.

“I want to say sorry,” you say, “I’m sorry for hanging around Gilbert all the time even though I know you have a crush on him.” 

She stares at you while she is thinking, “Why are you hanging out with him?” she asks curiously

“At first it was to catch up but after a while, I started to enjoy his company and I want to be around him all the time,” you say honestly, not wanting to lie anymore. 

“Thank you for being honest with me,” she says, “And if you promise that it won't become anything more than just friends I can forgive you and let you hang out with him.” 

“Oh Ruby, thank you, thank you, thank you” you squeal while lifting her and spinning her in a circle. She laughs out loud while telling you to put her down. 

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