Chapter Seventy-Six

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Before Y/n and Gilbert met at the train station with Gilbert

Gilbert is walking to the train station when he sees Diana and her father loading up a carriage. Gilbert called out Diana’s name to check up on her and she was surprised to see him. She soon glared at him as he walked up to her. “Afternoon Diana”

“I hear about your engagement.” Diana pursed her lips into a thin line, attempting to not make it clear how mad she was at the boy.

“We’ve decided not to wed–”

The luggage of clothes hit the ground with a thump, Diana fuming at the words she just heard. “So you simply never bothered to speak to Y/n or any of us about this?”

“Had I the opportunity to I would have,” Gilbert insisted. “I told her that–”

Diana Barry was loyal to her best friends.

“You’ve had every opportunity to, for years!” Diana snapped. “Admit it. You’ve been smitten with Y/n since she came back to Avonlea! There have been countless clues. And you certainly can’t deny you weren’t intrigued by her at dance practice, even though it turns out you were secretly courting a mysterious debutante who you had the audacity to step out with at the fair with no word of warning.”

Gilbert opened his mouth to speak, but before he could get anything out Diana butted in. “Then you show up at the ruins after exams and demand to know how Y/n feels about you and give her all of thirty seconds to decide who you will marry! And worst of all, you ignored all the clues from Y/n. She even showed up at your house twice, where she was supposed to tell you that she loved you!” 

Gilbert’s face was knotted in confusion. “Wait, when?”

Then his eyebrows raised in realization. “Where is she?”

Diana scowled back before he stepped forward.
“Diana, where is Y/n?”

At the train station

“Gilbert.” you breathe out. Your heart hammered against your chest as you found yourself breathless at the sight of him.

“What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be at Queens?” He asked and walked closer to you.

“Mrs. Stacy didn’t tell you?” He shook his head. “Oh, well, I’m not going to Queens anymore–I’m going to the University of Toronto.”

He raised his eyebrows. “That’s great.”

The train rolled to a stop beside you, and the conductor sounded the horn. “All aboard!” he yelled.

Gilbert glanced at you and smiled a bit. “Okay, well, I guess we should board–”

“-I love you.” You blurted out, your eyes widening at your words. “OOh, my god, I’m sorry! You’re with Winifred! I shouldn’t have said that–”

You were cut off by Gilbert pulling you in by the waist and kissing your lips.

Your eyes widened for the second time that day, but you quickly closed them and softly kissed him, butterflies swarming your stomach.

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