Chapter Eleven

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Class went by quickly. After your encounter with Gilbert at the beginning of class, you swear you saw Gilbert in the corner of your eye staring at you still causing your cheeks to turn red.

When school was finished you talked to Anne about what happened at the beginning of class.

“Do you wanna talk about what happened?”

“No,” she said with a sad expression on her face. You saw Josie laughing at her.
“Don’t listen to those idiots, you don’t look ugly, believe me”

“Thanks Y/n but I do look ugly, I’m going home now.” You hugged her and she walked away leaving you on your own as you turned in the direction of your home.

“Hey beautiful” you hear behind you.
You turn around to see Gilbert standing there.

“Hello, Mr. Blythe,” you say smiling.
He smiles at you. “I uhh w-well” he pauses for a moment and you chuckle.

“I was wondering if you’d like to come for tea,” he asks scratching his neck.

“Oh well, I’d love to but I have dance practice until 4. I’m sorry”

“Oh,” Gilbert said with a disappointed expression on his face.

“Can I walk you to your home then?” He asked with hopeful eyes.

“Of course,” you said with a slight blush on your cheeks. Gilbert must’ve noticed because he smirked at you.

The walk to your house was peaceful. When you arrived you said goodbye to each other.

“I’ll come by for tea tomorrow,” you say smiling.

“That’d be great,” he said.

“Well I have to go get ready for dance,” you say and kiss his cheek.

You look at him and see he’s bright red. You chuckle.

“Are you blushing Mr. Blythe?” “I uh-” he scratches his neck.

You laugh, “See you tomorrow!”

“S-see ya,” Gilbert says just standing there with bright red cheeks and a smile on his face.

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