Chapter Fourty-One

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After you guys calmed down Gilbert starts to get serious again.

“Believe it or not, I’m truly sorry for what Billy did to you. If you want I could tell him to stop?” Gilbert offered and you shook your head. 

“Trust me, it’s better if you don’t, he would probably do the opposite of what you say. I’m in no way a maiden who requires defending. I can take care of myself.”

Gilbert laughed at that. “Trust me, I’m well aware of that. Not many girls can say they stepped on and almost punched Billy Andrews.” 

You snorted at that. “The only regret that I have is that I wasn’t able to punch him.”

“I’m sure nothing could have stopped you,” Gilbert added

“Thank you, by the way.” He looked confused. “For what/”

“You sighed. “For being there for me. Compared to other people you have been extremely kind. Oh, and for the apple.” You stated as you threw the apple up and caught it quickly; in one movement which made Gilbert smile.

Just then Mr.Phillips called out indicating that it was time for school to continue. Gilbert was the first one of the two to stand up as you weren’t in such a big hurry to go back in.

“Here, let me help you,” Gilbert stated as he looked down at you and offered his hand. You took it, not wasting much of your time and Gilbert helped you stand up.

“Thanks,” You said as you tried to brush the dirt off your dress.

“Let’s hurry, we don’t want to be late and give Mr. Phillips another reason to be upset.”

“I agree. Race ya?” You say as you take off running to the schoolhouse.

Gilbert chases after you while laughing which makes you laugh. You make it there before him and turn around to see him.

“Ha! I win!” you state with a big smile on your face.

“Yes, you did, now let's get inside,” Gilbert says while panting.

You both enter the schoolhouse and head to your seats.

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