Chapter Fourty-Three

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It’s been about a week since hanging out with Prissy, It’s now her wedding day.

“Sit still.” Your mother told Ruby who was fidgeting.

You and your family are getting ready to attend Prissy and Mr. Phillips wedding, and to say you didn’t want to be there was an understatement, but you will go because of Prissy.

When you get there you go straight to Prissy to help her finish getting ready, When you get in the room you see Prissy sitting in a chair with a blank look on her face.

“Prissy? Are you okay?” You ask

She turns around when she hears your voice, “Oh yea, I’m okay…” She says but has a questionable look on her face.

“Actually, do you think going through with this is a good idea?” She asks with a straight face.

“I think that you should what your heart says and not what other people think. Either way, I will support you and be by your side incase anything goes wrong.” you say honestly,

She nods her head and turns back around to the vanity. You say goodbye and make your way to sit with your family.

Before you eve realize it Prissy and her Father had begun to walk in. You stood quickly with a pleased smile on your face.

The gown Prissy wore was a cream color instead of white, which was uncommon in Avonlea.

The dress dragged on the wooden floor and you notice there was a lacy pattern embroidered into it.

Prissy finally reached Mr. Phillips and her father handed her to him.

Mr.Phillips lifter her veil from over her face and stared at her, and it wasn’t a good stare. 

He stared at her like he regretted ever proposing, and that made you sick to your stomach and also mad.

Prissy loves him and even if you thought Mr.Phillips was creepy, you were happy she was getting married to someone she loves. But did he love her back?

Prissy looked away from him and at the people in the pews. She looked frightened and worried.

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