Chapter Sixteen

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“What will my parents say when they see you walking me home. I’m wearing the exact same clothes as yesterday. I don’t wanna answer a million questions.” you chuckle as you walk to your house with Gilbert.

“We’ll just tell them the truth,” he says smiling.

“Thank you for letting me stay.”


Your hand brushes against his a few times on the way and you decided to just grab it.

Gilbert stops walking for a second and then smiles at you, both of your cheeks turning bright red.

You guys continue walking, you can see your house already. You start to get really nervous, you don't want Ruby to yell at you or slap you because she had “dibs.”

You walk to the front of the house with Gilbert by your side. You completely forgot that you were still holding his hand, when you open the door you see Ruby in the living room. She lifts her head up to look at you, Gilbert, and your hands. You quickly let go of Gilbert’s hand and take off your coat and hat. 

You turn to Gilbert, “Thank you so much for walking me home and letting me stay over.” you say with a smile. 

“It’s not a problem I enjoyed having you over, we should do it again,” he says while rubbing his neck.

You walk through the door and turn to face Gilbert, “I hope you make it home safe and I’ll see you at school.” you say. 

“Yeah, see you at school,” he says while turning around to start heading back to his house.

You close the door and walk to the kitchen guessing that’s where your Mother would be.

“Mom I’m home!” you yelled while walking.

Your mother comes rushing out of the kitchen with an apron around her waist.

“Y/n Gillis, where were you, you didn’t come home and had me and your father worried sickly!”

“I’m sorry Mother, I was having tea with a friend, and the next thing we know it’s evening and to late for me to walk home.”

“I don’t want to hear any excuses, you should have told me you were going over to a friend's house. And since you didn’t tell me you are grounded for a week, you will only leave for school, no friend's house.”

“Fine!” you walk off storming into your bedroom.

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