Chapter Fifteen

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The next morning you wake up earlier than usual. You open your eyes and notice an arm wrapped around your waist. You widen your eyes and blush appears on your cheeks. You look to the side and see Gilbert looking at you.

“Morning beautiful,” he says with a smile.

“Morning,” you say confused. “What time is it?” you ask sitting up.

“It's half past four,” Gilbert replies and pulls his arm away from underneath you and sits up as well.

“Then why are you awake and well… staring at me?” you ask while smiling.

“I haven’t been able to sleep well lately,” he says with a small smile.

“How come?” you ask frowning.

“I don’t know, I guess this house just brings back old memories,” He says.

You notice he’s fighting against his tears. He didn’t like showing his feelings, especially to you. He didn’t want you to think he was weak.

“It’s alright to cry you know,” you say taking his hand.

“I just…I just miss my father,” a tear rolls down his face.

You squeeze his hand, and more tears come falling down. He can’t stop them anymore. You pull him into a tight hug, he holds you tight burying his face in your neck.

I could get used to this

You run your fingers through his hair as you feel your shoulder getting wet from Gilbert’s tears.

You two just sit there until the sun rises. 

“Good morning,” you hear Bash yelling from the hallway. You pull away from the hug and look at Gilbert.

“Morning,” he yells while wiping away his tears.

“Morning,” you yell as well.

Gilbert looks at you with a small frown. 

“Thank you for… that,” he says squeezing your hand.

You give him a small sympathetic smile, “If you ever need someone to talk to just let me know.”

Gilbert nods feeling relieved that you acted so normal about it. 

“Let's go eat breakfast.”

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