Chapter Sixty-Nine

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” Stop, stop, stop!” Mrs. Lynde yelled, and the class stopped dancing. As promised from Mrs. Stacy you and your classmates are dancing.

“That was a start. Let’s take a little break. Catch my breath, catch your breath.”

You sighed in disappointment, you’ve only been dancing for a short time and you want more time.

You saw Ruby run into the coatroom from the corner of your eye. You furrowed your eyebrows and tugged on Anne’s sleeve to get her attention. “Come on,” you said and pulled her to the coatroom.

When you got there you found Ruby sitting on the bench with a worried expression on her face. “What’s the matter, Ruby?” Tillie questioned as she came up behind you.

“Are you feeling faint?” you asked worried for your sister.

“She’s shaking.” Jane pointed out.

“I–what if I’m pregnant?!” She exclaimed, you and Anne shared a confused look. “Mother says if I do so much as go near a boy I might get pregnant, and if a boy touches me, then I’ll certainly get pregnant!”

Suddenly, all the girls started to freak out. But not you, you knew you couldn’t get pregnant just by someone touching you. They each are wondering who the Father could be.

Soon enough Mrs. Stacy heard the noise and came in and talked to the girls about conceiving. She then told you guys to go line back up. You stand next to Anne and the counting starts.

“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, other way!”

You changed your direction and started going to the left as Mrs. Lynde had said.

“And set, and set.” You let go of Anne’s hand and stepped toward Charlie who was in front of you. You grabbed his hand and set just like they had been shown earlier. 

You found yourself glancing around the room, you didn’t know what or who you were looking for until you laid eyes on him 

Gilbert Blythe.

He was staring too, smiling slightly when you locked eyes.

Before anything else could happen, you tripped on your own feet, causing you to look away from Gilbert and hold her arms out to regain your balance.

Charlie mouthed, “You okay?” and you nodded in reply, your cheeks turning pink from embarrassment.

“And all three lines reform!” you moved to your right and found yourself next to Anne.

Anne had Cahrlie as a partner, and Anne didn’t seem to mind that fact.

You looked straight ahead of you, a shocked facial expression washing over your face when you saw Gilbert in front of you. 

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