Chapter Thirty-Nine

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You wanted to apologize to Gilbert and try to explain why you said what you said. So when it was time for recess, you were one of the first to leave the schoolhouse. Not even bothering to put away your books. You grabbed your lunch and went to the spot you knew Gilbert ate lunch at hoping he would hear you out. When you get there you see that Gilbert is already there and just staring at the sky.

“Uhmm, hello,” 

Gilbert looked up but quickly looked away to continue staring at the sky. “Hey.”

You cleared your throat awkwardly watching him. “Can I sit next to you?” you asked.

He shrugged, “Do whatever you want.”

You nodded your head and sat on the ground next to him.

“I’m sorry for what I said at the dinner,” you started off by saying.

He hummed at you but not accept the apology.

“I think that I just wanted my family back I didn’t see that the reason why Ruby pulled back from me was because of her own selfish desires, and I shouldn’t have blamed you for that.” you started to cry because of all the guilt. 

He started to turn away from the sky but still not looking at you. 

“Gilbert? Please look at me.” 

He looked up at you for the first time. 

“I’m so sorry and I will do anything for us to go back to normal,” you say crying harder.

He came closer to you and started to hug you. You hugged him back and started to cry harder.

“I know you didn't mean to say it, I saw it in your eyes. I was just hurt.” He said

“And I will forever feel guilty about it, I just want another chance at being your friend.”

“I forgive you.”

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