Chapter Sixty-One

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You and your friends decided to hop on a freight train to try to save Mrs. Stacy. Right now you're about to jump out of the train when you open the door, expecting no one to be on the other side, but she was wrong.

The infamous Gilbert Blythe stood on the other side, smirking.

“What are you doing here?” you inquired, hiding the nervousness in your voice.

“I figure I should ask you the same question.”

After Gilbert explained to you what was going on you guys were saying goodbye to part ways. 

“I hope you find Bash,” you said as you walked beside Gilbert.

“I hope he’ll forgive me for being so selfish.”
“I’m sure you can make things right with him, an apology goes a long way,” you reassured him.

“See you,” you said when you realized you had to get back to your friends.

“See you.”

“You know Gilbert has a crush on you, right?” Cole explained from behind you.

You spun around and faced him. “What? No, he doesn’t.”

Cole rolled his eyes playfully. “See you at the afternoon train.” And with that, he walked off, leaving you alone and confused.

Did Gilbert have a crush on you?

Or was Cole wrong?

The next day

“It was a lovely service,” Gilbert said to you.

Just a few minutes ago you had watched Bash and his new wife Mary get married, and Gilbert was right, it was a lovely service.

“It was lovely.” you agreed as you two stared into each other’s eyes—this went on for a few seconds until you spoke up.

“For the short time we have left in class together, I hope to spend it making memories.”

He smiled a bit, “Actually, I’m gonna stay and work at the farm with Bash like we planned. The college will wait its proper turn.” He explained.

Your eyes widened the tiniest bit. “So you’re not leaving school early?” you inquired curiously.

“I wanna be with my family, becoming a doctor can wait.” you nodded in understanding. “Your turn.”

You furrowed your eyebrows at his words. “Hmm?”

“What’s your plan for after school?” Gilbert asked softly, looking you up and down.

You looked down for a split second, you had no clue what you wanted to do or be. “Oh, um, I don’t know quite yet.”

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