Chapter Fourty

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You and Gilbert sit there for a couple of minutes before he speaks up.

“I’m sorry about your book,” Gilbert stated.

“It’s alright I guess, he’s just a bully wanting attention.” 

Gilbert chuckled at what you said about Billy. Hearing him laugh made you look up for you to look at him.

Gilbert finally took a good look at you for the first time in a while. He noticed you had freckles covering your nose and cheeks and had eyes light blue. He noticed that your cheeks were slightly wet.

“Are you okay?” he asks as he turns slightly to face you properly.

You nodded your head, “Why wouldn’t I be?” you asked

“Well, because of everything that happened today, plus your eyes are puffy and your cheeks are wet. Almost like you were crying before our conversation..”

This made you start wiping your cheeks and eyes. “It’s nothing,” You stated, clearly not wanting to continue the conversation.

“Do you want an apple?” Gilbert asked when he saw that the conversation was going nowhere. 

You stared at him and then at the apple he was holding.

“It’s from the orchard. It’s very sweet…like you.”

You raised your eyebrows at the boy sitting next to you and to his and your surprise, you smiled at the compliment. 

“Thanks, you’re…sweet.” You said taking the apple from his hand. 

Gilbert smiled widely and quickly turned to hide his reddening face from you.

“Are you blushing Mr. Blythe?” You asked him when you saw that he turned away from you. 

He quickly turned back to you, “I would do no such thing.” he replied quickly to your words.
You both stared at each other for a good minute until Gilbert made a face at you. This causes you to burst out laughing with Gilbert following.

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