Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Although you were mad you were also very upset about your book. You started to cry slightly. It wasn’t long until you felt a tap against your arm, you looked away from the spot on the desk you were staring at and looked at Prissy who held out a handkerchief. You smiled gratefully at her and took it to use on your eyes. 

You didn't want to be in the schoolhouse and for the first time you hated school.

“Miss Gillis, do you know the answer?”

Your attention immediately went to Ruby thinking he was asking her but only to find her looking at you waiting. You immediately looked at the teacher, “I’m sorry, what did you say?” The chuckles you receive in return make you blush.

“You would know exactly what I said if you were paying attention. I asked you to come up and work this out for me. Now come on up, we don’t have all day.”

You did the thing you did not want to do and stood up and walked to the board looking at Gilbert on the way. He turned away when he saw you looking at him. This made you even more upset and it didn’t help you had no idea what they were doing except that it was math.

You got up there and stared at the algebraic equation on the board and stared at it, trying to figure out what they were doing.

“If you don’t know it then do us all a favor and si-” Mr. Phillips began but stopped when he noticed you grabbing a hold of the chalk and writing.

It took about 20 seconds until you figured out the answer. You placed the chalk back down and took a step back.

“Well, is it correct?” You asked your teacher who was staring at the board.

“It’s correct, go sit back down.” 

You smiled slightly at your teacher and herself knowing you just proved that you knew what you were doing. 

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