Chapter Twenty Six

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When you noticed him following her into the schoolhouse, you quickly turned around to face him.

You took the opportunity of surprise as your advantage and stepped on his foot.

“Bother me again and I swear on my life that I will hit you harder. Have a nice day.” you smiled at him and then towards the group of boys that were watching the scene unfold.

“Are you mad?!” Josie shrieked, no sooner after you entered.

“No, I’m Y/n” This caused Diana and Tillie to laugh out loud.

You sat down and were about to start eating but couldn’t when you felt the girl's stares never leaving your figure.

“What’s wrong?” you asked as you looked at each of the girls.

“It’s very improper for a girl to hit a boy and if you remember, that’s my brother,” Jane explained and you had to force yourself t=not to roll your eyes.

“Could someone call him a boy? Are they all this annoying in Avonlea nowadays?”

“Of course not!” Tille snapped, “And Billy’s not that bad.” Josie continued this time, You didn’t fight the urge to roll your eyes.

“Anyways, have you seen Gilbert today? He looks so dreamy.” Ruby says while looking outside of the window. 

All of the girls besides you went to look at the boy mentioned. Diana sees you not standing and lifts you from your seating position holding onto your arms.

Diana took you to the window and made you look outside, your eyes fell onto Gilbert, who was indeed looking dreamy.

Gilbert turned around to look in the direction of the window as if he felt the girls’ eyes on him.

The girls quickly moved out of the way so Gilbert wouldn’t see them but you didn’t shy away.

Gilbert smiled instantly when he saw you and you didn’t hesitate to smile back

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