Chapter Twenty Four

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After eating, you and Gilbert head out to school. You are worrying about what the people will say and about you and Gilbert walking in together.

“What will everyone say when they see us walking to school together I don’t wanna answer a million questions.” you chuckle as you walk to school with Gilbert.

“We’ll just tell them it’s none of their business,” he says smiling at you.

“Thank you for letting me stay,” 


Your hand brushes against his a few times on the way and you decide to just grab it. Gilbert stops walking for a second and looks at you. He then smiles at you, both of your cheeks turning bright red. 

You guys continue to keep walking, you can see the school already in view. You got nervous, you didn’t want Ruby to yell at you or Josie to slap you because Ruby had “dibs.” Right before you walk inside you let go of Gilbert's hand and walk into the school with Gilbert right by your side. 

You and Gilbert take off your hats and coats and hang them up in the cubby area. You depart from Gilbert to go sit down next to Prissy who is reading a book. You get all of your school stuff out and start paying attention to the teacher who is about to begin.

It’s now lunchtime and Diana has invited you to sit with her friends since Prissy had a meeting with someone. You grab your lunch basket and your book in case you get bored.

You start to get bored of hat they were talking about and decided to pull out your book Romeo and Juliet.

“What are you reading?” Prissy’s sister Jane asked you.

“It’s Romeo and Juliet, it’s a love story gone wrong.” 

Tillie start laughing after you said that, “What do you have a problem with that?” you ask.

“No, not at all. It’s just weird, especially the name Juliet,” Josie siad.

You scoffed and looked at Josie. “There is no need to make fun of it, I would rather have a unique name that people won’t forget, then have a common name like Josie,” Josie and all the other girls fell silent after that.

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