Chapter Twenty

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You sigh, “What a day” Gilbert sits down next to you and looks around.

“Nice house!” He says smiling.

“Thank you! After the fire, we redecorated the house and I got to do the kitchen.” 

“I can tell. You’re really creative.”

“Thanks that means a lot to me”

You stare at him for a moment feeling your cheeks heat up at his compliment.

He clears his throat.

“We should get started.”

“Yeah about that…how should I give dance advice, I don’t know anything about dancing,” Gilbert says as he chuckles.

“Well as long as you stay honest and give your opinion it’ll be easy,” you say smiling.

“Why don’t you practice right now,” you say standing up and getting ready to do a good ballet turn and then a bad ballet turn.

“Now which turn looked better? The first or second one?” Gilbert stares at you.

“Both of them look beautiful.”
“Thank you, that’s very nice of you to say, now answer my question,” you say as you laugh.

“Gilbert stares at you again this time for what seems like forever.

“Gilbert you don’t need hours to see that the first one was better.”

Gilbert laughs, “I figured that out a minute ago, I just wanted to stare at you for some longer.” He says with a smirk. You nudged his shoulder and smiled. 

“You’re impossible.”

You worked on your routines while Gilbert sat there and watched you. It’s obvious he’s a nervous wreck. 

You smile to yourself. He looks cute when he’s nervous.

“Why do you have so many dance routines?” he asks chuckling.

“I have a lot of performances,” you say chuckling.

“You’re a real people person aren’t you” 

“Not really, I hate most people, but I do like an audience.” you smile.

“I hope you don’t hate me.” He says chuckling.

“Oh I could never,” you say as a blush appears on both of your faces. 

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