Chapter Seven

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It’s your first day of school in Avonlea and you are already a couple of minutes late. As your walking the grip of your fingers on the basket was cutting off your blood circulation.

You blamed yourself, without mut authenticity, for the fact that you were arriving late even though you had set off early. Even Ruby arrived before you.

As you entered through the singular door, all of the curious eyes did not hesitate for a second to land on you with an intriguing look.

They looked at you in detail and murmurs of surprise would be heard throughout the room.

You had been paralyzed by the attention you receiving that you couldn’t control.

You felt extremely observed and so tense that you almost dropped the basket at your feet.

You signed noisily in an attempt to divert the attention and hopefully have a brief moment to put your things on the coat racks.

There were your hidden you closed your eyes for a couple of seconds to attempt to calm your nerves. Finally, you took a long, calming breath and forced yourself in a moment of courage to appear again in the hallway with a small smile.

“What’s your name new girl” Mr. Philips said with a bored look on his face.

“Gillis, Y/n Gillis,” as you said your name the class started to whisper and point between you and Ruby.

“That’s right, Miss Gillis,” Mr. Philips said, “Late on your first day, what a first image you offer us.” He said with a smirk

You had swallowed with difficulty before the burning knot grew in your throat and had deprived her of any words in her defense. She had stood there in front of the crowd of children who examined her with curiosity.

“Take a seat, We’ll begin today’s class”
You rejoiced that you had not been mocked by the teacher, who if she remembers from Ruby’s letters, enjoyed making his class a show of shame for his students.

You nodded in fear, and went to sit next to an older-looking girl.

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