Chapter Four

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 Two weeks have gone by and you finally reached Prince Edward's Island. Y/n would not deny one thing that day, she was hopelessly tormented by irrational nerves. It had been so long since she had last been there that her memory could scarcely highlight certain details of Avonlea's oddly peculiar and melancholic landscape. Her eyes were slowly accustomed to what it was and had always been her home, even though she had such a vague memory to remember it in great detail.

Five years, five years away from the small and comfortable Prince Edward's Island. Five years had so easily erased the most blissful last 11 years, how could that be possible? Perhaps the memories of her Grandmother's cottage in Alberta replaced the beautiful memories of her native island. It was a great misfortune, however, the more she entered the heart of the island, the more she remembered how happy and grateful the place made her feel.

Getting on a train Y/n sat in a window seat and looked around at all the families with little children. It made you miss your family, even though you're going to see them.

You hopped off the train and you went straight to your house. When you knocked on the door Ruby immediately opened it.

"Y/n!" she screamed hugging you tight. "Mom! Y/n is home!" she yelled into the house.

"Hey," you say smiling.

"Come on in! How was your trip over?" Ruby steps aside to let you in and you take your coat off hanging it up.

"It was amazing! I met so many interesting people and saw so many new things!"

"That's great," she said leading you into the living room.

"Oh, and you'll never believe this!"

"I ran into Gilbert Blythe!"

"REALLY! WHEN IS HE COMING BACK?" Ruby screamed, you started to laugh knowing she would react like this.

"Probably not anytime soon"

Her expression turned from happy to sad in less than a second.

"Why not?" she asked. A frown on her face and tears forming in her eyes.

"I'm not sure" you lied not wanting to invade Gilbert's privacy.

"Though I asked him to write me a letter if he ever comes back," you say and Ruby nods while a single tear falls down her face.

"Anne got his letter yesterday... he isn't coming back," she said.

"He'll come back one day," you said trying to calm her down.

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