Chapter Eight

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It’s been another week since your first day of school and you’ve made friends with two people Prissy Andrews and Anne Shirley-Cuthbert. You and Anne usually hangout after school together and ocausionaly you would hangout with Prissy.

It’s currently tuesday morning and Gilbert should be coming back at anytime now. It made you a little nervous, ou were walking towards the schoolhouse humming softly to yourself. You were a little late so you quickly put your stuff away and sat next to Anne. You were a little confused when you saw Cole sitting in front of you.

“What’s Cole doing sitting with the girls?” you whispered.

“Mr. Philips” Anne simply replied.

You frowned deeply and clenched your jaw looking at Mr. Philips.

What a jerk

After school, you and Anne walked to your house. She’s been telling you how lovely your dresses are and you told her that she could try some on.

“Oh I’m so excited to try on some dresses and feel like a princess” Anne said with a huge smile while walking ahead of you.

You chuckled, “Anne you don’t need dresses to feel like a princess”

When you got to your room you pulled out yellow dress for her.

“Come on try it on” you handed it to her and her mouth fell open.

“It’s absolutely gorgeous” Anee said as she went behind the changing board.

“Oh Y/n, I love it so!” she yelled.

You smiled, you had a surprise for her and you can’t wait to see her reaction.
Anne came out behind the board with a big smile.

“I look like a princess!” she said as she looked at herself in a mirror.

“You really do!”

“To bad my hair ruins it” she said while looking down.

“What are you talking about? Your hair is unique and beautiful!” you say.

“I’ll even style your hair for you if you want” you say already picturing the result.

“Oh that would be amazing” she said sitting down in front of a mirror.

You started to work on her hair while the two of you talk.

After you were done you showed it to her.

“Oh Y/n, it is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen” she said smiling wide

You giggled, “Thats a good thing because I want you to have the dress.” you say smiling.

“What? But Y/n it’s yours-”

“And I want you to have it.”

“Oh thank you Y/n I’ll cherishe this dress forever!” she said beaming.

As soon as Anne left for the night you made dinner humming a song, and after dinner you read for a bit.

A/n Sorry for all the time skips

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