Chapter Ten

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You saw a group of people circled around something or rather someone.
Could it be Gilbert?

You walked towards them and your blue eyes locked with Gilbert's hazel eyes.

“Gilbert you’re back!”

“Hey Y/n,” he said looking at you with a smile.

Everyone looked confused as you hugged him.

“How were your last weeks?”

“Well I mainly worked on the ship, and got myself in trouble so I had latrine duty,” he said as he chuckled.

You cringed, “must’ve been great!” you said sarcastically looking into his gorgeous eyes.

Everyone turned around and looked in the other direction of Anne. You sat down next to your sister. She was staring at Gilbert. You laughed at her.

“Earth to Ruby” you whispered.

“Oh sorry,” she giggled, “he’s just so dreamy” you giggle.

Yes he is, he really is.

Suddenly, Mr. Philips walked into the room and called the students to their seats. So you got up and went to sit next to Anne.

“Open your readers to page 20.”

Everyone pulled out their books and turned to the page he had said.

“It appears we have a new boy in class today” He was referring to Anne.

The class erupted in giggles.

“Are you sure you’re sitting in the right place, young man?” Mr. Phillips asked Anne, you clenched your jaw. You grabbed Anne’s hand and squeezed it, to comfort her and to get her anger out.

You knew if she didn't focus on something else she would yell at Mr. Phillips, so she turned her head away from the teacher and found something else to look at as he started the lesson.

You felt someone staring at you so you looked around the room and your eyes landed on Gilbert who was staring at you with a smirk.

He winked at you when you looked at him. You feel your cheeks start to heat up so you turn back to Mr. Phillips while biting the inside of your cheek.

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