Chapter Two

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In the morning you get up and get dressed in a dark purple dress and make your way to the railing outside. When you get outside you feel a breeze in your hair as you see the coast coming closer.

You can't wait to get off of the ship and start exploring the new island you are stopping at.

When the boat stops you're one of the first people to get off. You look around and smile to yourself. You feel free and that you can do whatever without consequences.

After walking around you see some sort of bar. You decided to order a drink there since you were feeling parched. As you approach the bar you suddenly see a boy running in your direction. You stand still out of shock and the boy throws up all over your purple dress.

"Oh miss, I'm so sorry!" he says.

"It's alright," You say as you chuckle. "Are you okay though?"

"I think so I just uhh-" He smiles at you obviously embarrassed. "I'm really sorry about your dress miss uhh-"

"Y/n Gillis," you say while sticking your hand out for a handshake.

"Gilbert Blythe," He says while shaking your hand, his hand feels soft in yours.
You can feel your cheeks heat up, for a boy that just threw up all over your dress he was quite handsome.

Gilbert Blythe... where did I hear that from?

You notice a man behind Gilbert smiling at you two and you smile back. "And uh this is my friend Sebastian," Gilbert says gesturing towards him.

Sebastian steps forward and shakes your hand.

"Anyway, how can I make up for... well completely ruining your shoes?" Gilbert asks while scratching the back of his neck, a nervous chuckle escapes his mouth.

"How about you buy me a drink Mr. Blythe," you say with a smile on your face.

"Of course," he says and quickly walks over to the bar and orders three drinks.

You sit down at a table and look down at your dress. How gross.

"Let's just say that he is a very clumsy boy," Sebastian says laughing.

"I can see that," you say smiling


if you guys didn't catch on the italics are your inside thoughts.

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