Chapter Seventy-Four

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You immediately jumped and ran out of the house and to Blythe’s house. 

You knocked at the Blythe’s house. You were shaking with anxiety when your fist collided with the door, half of you wanted to run away, while the other half wanted to hear what Gilbert had to say.

Bash was the one to open the door. He was holding Delly and he looked a bit upset.

You grinned at him, “Hi, is Gilbert home yet?”

“Gilbert left for Charlottetown early this morning.” your heart dropped at his words. It’s too late. He had gone to propose to Winifred.

You looked down as tears filled your eyes. “Oh, I see.” you bit your lip. “I should go then. Thank you, Bash.”

You turned away and started walking back to your house.

You felt stupid. You should’ve had your feelings figured out, and you should’ve told him sooner. Now he was off proposing to Winifred, and you were walking home holding back a sob.

You let out a shaking breath and squeezed your eyes shut. You had to get over him. You couldn’t handle feeling like you did any longer. It was pure torture.

You and Anne were informed that Diana couldn’t go to Queens with you guys. Poor Diana was hurting so much but it wasn’t her decision to make.

You stared out the window as your Mother tightened your corset, you couldn’t stop thinking about Diana.

“What’s the matter? Is it about Diana not being able to go to Queens?” Your Mother questions as she finishes tying your corset.

“Of course it is!” you snapped, immediately regretting it afterward. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have yelled–it’s just so unfair! Diana should get to choose her future not her parents.”

“I completely understand, she should go where she pleases.

“Exactly.” you agreed with your Mother.

“And what tops it off is that Gilbert is marrying the girl of his dreams, and that girl is not me.” you let out a huff when you finished speaking.

Your Mother frowned at you, she hated seeing you this way. “I’m sorry, but your future is still bright. Shall we try on the dress I got made for you?” you nodded smiling slightly at your Mother’s attempt to cheer you up.

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