Chapter Six

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You looked at his fine handwriting and smiled. You were pretty happy he was coming back. You enjoyed his company even though you’ve only seen him once.

You read the letter again.

“Can you please not tell anyone I’m coming back?”

You hated not being able to tell Ruby. It would make her extremely happy.

You put the letter away and went downstairs to make dinner for the family since it was your day. You danced around the kitchen because of your good mood and almost put your dress on fire. You chuckled and calmed down.

After dinner you continued to read your book, while you were reading you kept thinking about Gilbert.

After a few minutes you decided it was time to go to bed. You stared at the ceiling before falling asleep Gilbert’s letter still spinning in your thoughts.

The next morning you woke up before sunrise. You couldn’t go back to sleep so you went down to the activity room to dance. To you dancing is basically writing a poem and each movement is a word.

Your mother is the one who got you into dancing by saying “Dancing is a wonderful training for girls, it’s the first way you learn to guess what a mad is going to do before he actually does it.”

You never actually listened to that, you just enjoyed expressing yourself without words.

After dancing for a couple of hours you decided to take a break and pour yourself a glass of tea. While pouring some tea your thoughts went back to Gilbert’s letter.

“You should come by for tea sometime.”

With that in your mind you went back to dancing with a huge smile on your face.

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