Chapter Thirty-Two

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As the night continued, you would find yourself stealing glances at Gilbert. He didn’t return them, at least that was what she thought.

Gilbert had seen her looking because he was also watching her. He wondered why she was looking at him, he thought she was mad at him.

Truthfully, Gilbert found you confusing. You were sweet when you guys first met but after a while she ignored him. Still, Gilbert didn’t fully understand her, she seemed to hate him but also like him at the same time. 

The reason you are that way is because you cherished your sister and would do anything for her, even disregarding love, at least that’s what she thought. 

Though, deep down inside of you, you knew how you felt about Gilbert. But you wouldn’t admit it to any soul.

As dinner went on you stayed silent, only speaking when you were spoken to. You were thankful when Christmas Eve dinner ended and Gilbert and Bash left, although, you wanted to say sorry to Gilbert. 

When the fair-head finished cleaning up the table you ran upstairs and took off your dress, then you changed into your nightgown. 

As you picked up your old dress and put it in the dirty clothes basket, the present that Gilbert had given her fell out of the pocket and rolled away. You put down the dress and grabbed the box. 

Your hands started to shake the tiniest bit as you opened the box, inside was a gold necklace with a pair of shoes. It wasn’t just any shoes though, it was a pair of pointe shoes.

Your face flushed as you pulled the necklace out of the box. You studied it for a while longer taking a look at all the detail until you finally put it on.

You looked in your mirror at the necklace, it was gorgeous. Gilbert must’ve cared about you to get a necklace like that.

Now you really regretted those things you said to Gilbert.

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