Chapter Fourty-Seven

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You looked at where the older woman who must be Billy’s mum, walked towards you two. Even Billy had a slight look of panic on his face when he saw his Mother.

Mrs.Andrews took the letter that was in his hands and read it over. She tore her gaze off the letter and smiled at you.

“That must make you a Gillis, I heard about your arrival back. Y/n, right? My children have mentioned you a couple of times.”

You looked nervous, they must have told her plenty of horrible things. From the way you act, to how you almost attacked him.

“Billy, go inside while I talk to Ms. Gillis.”

He looked at you before leaving with a sly smile as if he thought his Mother would be telling her how crazy she was.

“I heard about what happened at school and I must apologize for my son's actions.” You looked at the women in disbelief, you were not expecting an apology. 

You stayed silent and continued to listen to what she had to say.

“I know how he can be and I try to show him that the way he acts is wrong but it never sticks. But Prissy seems to think you’re nice.”

You cleared your throat, not sure how to respond to that apology. 

“Umm, thank you?’

“Anyway, thank you for the invitation, we’ll be sure to come.”

You left feeling very confused. You had no idea what was going on anymore. You continued to go on the rounds while meeting people who she never met, or children she’s never seen in school.

One thing is certain tho, neither Josie Pye nor you felt thrilled when coming in contact with each other. You simply told her she hoped that she would come and continued to go on her way.

You came to a house you recognized and knocked on the door and waited for a while. After a minute more of looking at the ground and waiting for someone to come, you decided to knock again.


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