Chapter Thirteen

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After school you see Gilbert waiting for you outside.

“Hello Mr. Blythe,” you say smiling.

“Hello Miss Gillis, are you ready?” He asks grinning.

“Yes, I am,” you say as you chuckle.

You walk through the forest on your way to his house. He’s smiling the whole time, and a few times you feel his hand brushing against yours.

“Are we almost there yet?” You ask looking up at him.

“Two more minutes I think,” he says.

“You look beautiful today… not that you didn’t yesterday, I mean you look beautiful every day it’s jus-”

“Thank you, Gilbert,” you say laughing.
He smiles awkwardly and tries to hide how hard he’s blushing, you smile to yourself.

As you walk into the house you are greeted by Sebastian, “Hello lovebirds” he says. You feel yourself going red… again. You look at Gilbert and see he;s blushing too.

Sebastian starts laughing, “I’ll leave you two alone then, I wanted to take a walk anyway.” He says while walking out. You take off your coat and Gilbert takes it hanging it up.

“So uhmm… how are you?” you ask wondering if he’s doing better after his travels.

“I’m doing fine I guess,” He says while making tea.

“I imagine it must be hard coming back here after everything.”

He freezes. “I’m fine.” he turns around and pours some tea for the both of you.

You can tell he’s not fine.

“Are you sure?” you ask frowning.

“Yes,” he says annoyed.

“Oh, I’m sorry I didn't mean to upset you.”

“It’s alright,” he says and looks at you. He sees your concerned expression and gives you a light smile.

You smiled back and sat down.

“How are you being back after a long time?” He asks you.

“Oh well not much has changed besides the people here, but I did miss the views this place has.” You say with a smile.

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