Chapter Five

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“Well, what do you think of him? She asked, “Isn’t he dreamy?”

“Well his first impression wasn’t the greatest” you chuckled as you looked down.

“What happened?”

“Well, he threw up all over my dress!” you say while laughing

“Ew gross” Ruby said while laughing and smiling again.

You felt relieved. She was your sister and you hated to see you sad.

You grabbed a washing bowl and filled it with water to soak your dress in. You chuckled to yourself as you thought about Gilbert.

It started getting dark as you finished eating dinner with your family. You soon went to your bedroom that hasn't changed a bit since you were last here. You grabbed a book from your bookshelf and sat on your bed to read.

After a while, you couldn’t keep your eyes open. You put in your nightgown, blew out the candlelight and went to bed. You almost fell asleep immediately.

The Next Week
Somewhere in Trinidad

Gilbert lays on his hammock thinking about you, a small smile on his face. He’s coming back to Avonlea soon and he hasn’t written a letter yet. He grabs a pen and a piece of paper and starts writing to you with a slight blush on his cheeks. He quickly covered his face so Bash wouldn’t notice.

Back in Avonlea

You’re walking home from going on a walk around the town. It’s been a week since you returned home. You haven’t started school yet because your still adjusting to living here again. You decided to check the mail when you got home while humming a song.
Your eyes spread wide and you turned silent… A letter from Gilbert Blythe.
You immediately ripped it open and read it with your mouth slightly agape.

Dear Y/n Gillis

I’ve decided to come back to Avonlea soon. I’m bringing along Bash, we’re going to work on the farm together and I’m looking forward to it. I’ve made up my mind on what I want to do, but thats something I’d rather tell you in person. Can you please not tell anyone I’m coming back? Especially your sister. I’m pretty nervous about it, but I’m also looking forward to seeing you again and everyone else of course. You should come by for tea sometime and we can catch up.

Gilbert Blythe

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