Chapter Twenty Two

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After school, you grab your coat and hat and head outside, you feel someone walking behind you. You turn around to see a smiling Gibert.

“Are you walking me home again?” you ask smiling back at him.

“Oh, I was wondering if you wanted to stay over again?” Gilbert says looking at the ground.

“People will assume things,” you say.

“I don’t care.” He smiles softly.

“Well, I do,” you say, taking a step away from him. You take a deep breath and look at Gilbert’s puppy dog eyes.

“Alright I’ll stay over,” you look around and quickly hug him.

He blushes slightly and a grin appears on his face. 

“Although, I do not want to stay in these clothes so could we please stop by my house?” you ask

“Of course we can,” he says

You guys soon make it to your house and you leave Gilbert outside so Ruby doesn’t see him. You walk in and go to your mom to tell her that you're spending the night with your friends. Then you make your way to the room to pack a small bag of your necessities.

You make your way back downstairs and out the door to where Gilbert is. “You have everything?” he asks you.

“Yes, I’m all set Let go,” you say while walking off.

You both stay quiet for the whole walk, just enjoying each other's company. You walk up to the front porch as Gilbert suddenly stops walking.

“Why’d you stop?” you ask confused.

“You’re so beautiful,” he says with a bright smile.

“You don’t look too bad yourself Blythe,” you say pulling his arm and walking inside.

“Hi Sebastian!” you say.

“Hello Y/n,” He says smiling at you and Gilbert.

You and Gilbert sit down in the living room. 

“We have homework to do,” you say.

“Awh,” he says pouting. 

He looks like a cute little puppy like that

You nudge his shoulder and chuckle.

You start working and Gilbert starts tickling out of nowhere.

“Gilbert Stop! What’re you doing!?” you say laughing

“I’m tickling you of course,” he says while continuing to tickle you. 

“DINNER!” you guys hear Bash yell, Gilbert stops tickling you and looks at you.

“Race you to the table,” you say to Gilbert.

“You’re on,” he says. 

“1, 2, 3, go,” you both say. On three you both go running to the table.

You make it there by a second due to you pushing him.

“Ha, I win,” you say with a big smile on your face.

“That’s not fair you pushed me,” He says with a pout. “No I didn’t,” you deny laughing.

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