Chapter Seventy

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“Here we go!” Mrs. Lynde exclaimed and the class started to dance.

You bit your lip and stepped forward, Gilbert did the same, and you met in the middle, your faces just inches apart.

You locked eyes with him again, you grinned as you took a step back.

“And together! One, two, three, four–” 

He held out his hand for you to take and you did. The Gilbert spun you around and brought your body closer to his so you would be inches away. You blushed madly as you looked up at him.

“Here we go!” Mrs. Lynde clapped loudly. 

You moved beside Gilbert and grabbed his hand, along with Anne’s hand, who happened to be right next to you.

“And a one, two, three, four, five…”

You walked through the fairgrounds, admiring the booths and the people. Everyone seemed to be happy that day, and that made you smile. A few minutes later you found Anne talking with Diana.

You greeted Anne with a hug and turned to Diana to give her one, instead, she was staring at something behind you.

“Oh, Gilbert–”

You turned around and saw Gilbert. But he wasn’t alone.

He was with a blonde girl, much taller than you. She had a fuller-looking body compared to yours, she also looked older and more mature.

Your breath caught in your throat at the sight. Was Gilbert courting someone? You looked away, sadness swelling up inside of you for some unknown reason.

You smiled nervously, “Um, I’m gonna go find my family. See you guys later.” you waved at Anne and Diana and quickly walked away.

You loosened your dress collar and pulled out the necklace that was hidden under your dress. You stared at the Ballet shoes that Gilbert had given her, you felt a twinge of pain inside of you. You sighed and tucked it back where it was.

You quickly remembered that you promised Anne you would be there for the cake testing. You rushed to the tent where the contest was being held and found Anne.

“There you are!” Anne exclaimed.

“Sorry, I got distracted—” You cut yourself off when you locked eyes with the girl Gilbert was with earlier.

Gilbert turned to he and introduced you to her. “This is Y/n, my classmates, and family friend.”

She beamed, “Hello Y/n!”

You blinked at her wanting to run away, but you couldn’t.

“Y/n, this is my –uh–”

“--Winifred,” She held her hand out for you to shake, and you took it with a smile.

You still didn’t feel good after, there was something about Gilbert courting someone else that made you feel sick.

You left quickly after that, not knowing what was happening with Josie or the rest of your classmates, you just couldn’t stay there anymore with Gilbert and that girl.

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