Chapter Fifty

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Your Mother stopped what she was doing and turned around to face you with a hand on her hip.

“A boy? So, is he good-looking?”

You huffed “Mother. It’s not like that.” Your Mother sighed and returned to the dessert.

“You didn’t answer my question darling.”

You stayed silent and after you saw that she also stopped talking, you glanced at her from the corner of your eye and scoffed.

“MOTHER! STOP WINKING!” you said as you turned red with anger and embarrassment. 

After a few minutes of silence, “Well then, is he?”

You groaned. “Yes, he’s not too bad to look at. Now can we continue baking?”

Your Mother smiled wanting to question you further but knew that she would be pushing it too far.

One of the tasks that you had for the evening was to make sure that your sisters were prepared and dressed.

Although Ruby was very vain when it came to his hair, the same cannot be said for her clothing. Often your Mother would scold her for looking as if he put on the first piece of clothing she sees. Your younger siblings on the other hand, simply just didn’t care about the way they looked. Hey were just little kids and they only cared about having fun.

That night, you decided to keep your hair down. Along with a purple dress and a couple of ribbons, you found yourself ready in only a matter of minutes.

You first knocked on Ruby’s door, and when she told you that you could come in you saw Ruby standing in front of the mirror fixing herself. 

“Hey Rubs, you doing okay?”

“Um, actually could you fix my hair?”

After saying yes you walk up to her and start fixing her hair.

“Are you excited for tonight?” you ask her.

“Yes, I’m so excited to see my friends and Gilbert. Wait.” She abruptly turns around to look at you.

“You did invite him, correct?” she asks with a straight face.

You turn her head back forward so you can continue your work.

“Yes Ruby I invited Gilbert… Alright, I’m done, what do you think?” you ask while you're standing up,

“Thanks Y/n, it looks great. I could not get it right.” She says to you.

You exit her room and walk to your Mother to see what you could do next.

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