Chapter Fifty-Nine

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“You know, I’m really sorry about the other night. I don’t know why I was acting that way. And why I ran off after calming down. All you were trying to do was calm me down and you felt so guilty. I feel so stupid–you probably hate me–”

“–It’s okay, and I don’t hate you.”

“Really?” you asked. You thought he’d be mad at you so you were surprised at his reply.

“Yes,” He sighed softly

“It was my fault, I’m the one who mentioned your Grandmother. You were probably upset with me about that. Then I went and touched your shoulder which sent you into another spiral about something so little.” He chuckled dryly.

“I’m the one who should be sorry.”

You felt a weight fall off your shoulders. You are so glad Gilbert didn’t hate you.

Suddenly, you remembered something. In one swift movement, you pulled back your dress collar and untucked the necklace. 

“I never got to thank you for this.” Gilbert blushed, however, you were oblivious to it.

“I wear it every day because it’s something special to me, just like the person who gave it to me is also special to me.”

He scratched the back of his neck while blushing more. “You’re welcome.”

You smiled again and pulled Gilbert into a hug. He hugged you back tightly.

You pulled away from him. “Bye, Gilbert,” you said and walked back into your house.

“Goodbye, Y/n.” He replies and turns around walking back to his house.

What Gilbert didn’t know though was that you were up sitting in your bedroom window watching him walk all the way home with a big smile on your face.

A/n I'm sorry this one is so short the next one will be longer to make up for it.

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