Chapter Twelve

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The next morning you woke up and jumped out of bed. Today you were gonna drink tea with Gilbert. You put on your blue dress and styled your hair with the same color ribbon.

With Gilbert.

“Y/n is coming for tea today,” Gilbert says while walking into his kitchen smiling.

“Ah, your girlfriend,” Sebastian says teasingly. Gilbert chuckles and shakes his head.

“She’s not my girlfriend…yet,” Gilbert says trying to look confident.

“How about this shirt Bash?”

“Looks the same as all the other shirts you’ve tried on Blythe,” Sebastian says laughing.

Gilbert sighs, “Alright then. This one will do.”

Back to You

You walk into school take off your coat and hat and sit down in your seat. You’re early so there is almost no one. You open your book and start reading.

Ruby walks in and sits in front of you but turns around to look at you.

“Hey Y/n, I didn’t see you leave the house this morning. You look great today, especially in blue!”
“Do you wanna hang out after school? we haven’t done that in a while,” she asks with a smile.

“Oh I already have plans”
“Dance practice?”

“Uhm no I uhm… I’m going to drink tea with Gilbert.” You say and Ruby frowns.

“Is that why you’re all dressed up?” Ruby asks in an angry tone.

“No, I-”

“Are you wearing more makeup than usual!?” Ruby looks a you with fire in her eyes.

“No it’s my normal amo-”

“I have dibs!” she yells before storming off.

Stupid dibs. He doesn’t even like her
“What was that all about?” Prissy asks sitting next to you.

“Oh, Y/n! Why are you all dressed up?” she asks causing you to blush.

“I’m not!” you say frustrated.

“Hey Y/n,” you freeze. That’s Gilbert.

You turn around, “H-hi,” you send him a smile.

“I’m looking forward to tea this afternoon,” He says with a smile on his face and a blush on his cheeks.

“Me too,” you say as you feel your cheeks heat up as well. You turn to Prissy as Gilbert takes his seat. “That’s why,” you say smiling.

Prissy giggles, “You guys would make a cute couple”

“Thank you I guess?”

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