Chapter Twenty Eight

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It’s been about a week, it’s Christmas evenand you’ve been spending less and less time with Gilbert to make your sister happy even though she said you could. 

You and Ruby are laughing at a joke she said as you're walking into your house and taking off your bra and coat. 

“Ruby, Y/n? Is that you?” your Mother asks while walking into the mudroom. 

“Yes Mother?” you and Ruby say at the same time while standing up straight. 

“I have to tell you guys something so come into the sitting room.” your Mother says while walking away. 

You and Ruby give each other a confused look wondering what she wants.

As you and Ruby sit down on the couch your mom stands in front of you guys.

“Gilbert Blythe is coming over for dinner,” your heart dropped, you hoped your Mother was kidding.

“What?” you asked while Ruby squealed in delight.

“I dont have a problem with that mother, I’m more than happy,” Ruby said with a small.

“Oh my, I have to go find the perfect dress to wear.” Ruby says while hopping off the couch and skipping to her room.”

“I thought since he is back from his trip he could come over and eat dinner with us,”


“He doesn’t have anyone to spend Christmas with. Plus, I thought you were friends with him?” 

You looked anywhere but at your Mother when she says this.

“Did something happen between you two?” your Mother inquired

“I don’t want to talk about it,” your Mother nodded and turned around.

You sighed and headed towards your room, you closed your door and laid down on your bed looking up at the ceiling, were not looking forward to dinner that night

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