Chapter Seventy-Two

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“Can I borrow your pen?”

You glanced up at Gilbert who was sitting beside you, and nodded, then you handed him your pen.

“Y/n, isn’t your birthday tomorrow?” Josie inquired.

“Yeah, it is–”

“-Tell her to focus, Y/n! The exams are tomorrow, and all she can do is turn geometric shapes into hearts.” Jane complained, referring to Ruby.

“I think you’re asking the wrong person–” Ruby cut you off.

“-Who says that being romantic is any less respectable than being studious? Ask Gilbert. He’s the most studious and he’s romantic.”

“Wel, we’re not being romantic. There’s nowhere else to–”

“-Not with you, Y/n, with Winifred.” Your heart sunk the tiniest bit at Ruby’s words.

“How did you meet her anyway?” Josie asked curiously.

“How long have you been courting?”

“He was squiring her folks around at the fair. It must be serious.” Moody pointed out.

“It has to be, with a girl so beautiful. Isn’t she Y/n?”

“Yeah, so beautiful,” you repeated, hoping no one heard the hurt in your voice.

“When will you see her again?” Tille questioned.

“Well, I’m headed into Charlottetown tomorrow to take my exams. So I can dine with her and her folks after.”

“Dining with the parents, eh?” Charlie teased.

“We’re all going to the ruins after.” Moody changed the subject.

“It’s a secret!” Ruby exclaimed.

“You should come, bring your Fiancee.”

You felt another pain in your chest, so you looked down at your paper.

Why did those words hurt so much?

Then it hit you.

You liked Gilbert Blythe.

The class finally finished their exams and as soon as you got out of there you ran to the ruins, cheering the entire way.

“We did it!” Anne screamed and threw her hat up into the air, and everyone did the same with theirs.

“Oh, I’m still Alive!”

“I brought the shine!” Charlie held up a bottle of alcohol high into the air.

Diana reached out and grabbed the bottle, “Me first!”

“Follow me, my sweethearts, and friends!” Anne yelled and ran over to the fire, with drunken teens following behind.

Anne stood up on the log. “Avast, ye school mateys! Why does it take a pirate so long to learn the alphabet?”

“Why!?” Everyone said in unison.

“Because he spends a year at C!”

You giggled at Anne’s joke.

She said another one which made you laugh hard, you almost fell over in the process, however, two hands caught your waist before you could.

You met the familiar eyes of Gilbert Blythe.

You placed your hands on his chest to hold yourself up. “Gilbert?” you asked slurring your words.

“May I speak to you, please?”
You nodded quickly and he dropped his hands from your waist. 

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